HSRIG Bylaws
A. This organization shall be known as the History Special Research Interest Group (HSRIG). It is organized under the Society for Research in Music Education (SRME), a part of NAfME: The National Association for Music Education (NAfME).
B. The purposes of NAfME Special Research Interest Groups (SRIGs) are to: 1. broaden the base of support for research in NAfME by actively involving more and different (including younger) people in SRME activities; 2. facilitate the development of traditional and new research areas and specialties relevant to research specialists and teacher practitioners; 3. provide a continuing source of qualified leadership for SRME and for scholarship in general.
C. The purpose of the HSRIG specifically shall be to: 1. promote high-quality historical research in music education.
D. To accomplish its purposes, the HSRIG shall: 1. facilitate the production, discussion, and dissemination of historical research related to music education; 2. contribute to unity and understanding within the music education profession by promoting historical awareness.
A. Any NAfME member may join the HSRIG by notifying the HSRIG National Chair or NAfME headquarters.
B. HSRIG membership is maintained so long as NAfME membership status is held or until the member sends a discontinuance notification to the HSRIG National Chair or NAfME headquarters.
A. Primary executive authority is vested in the HSRIG National Chair whose duties shall include: 1. Managing the general affairs of the HSRIG 2. Appointment of Division Chairs 3. Appointment of Standing and ad hoc Committees 4. Appointment of a HSRIG Webmaster 5. Development of meeting proposals for the MERC SRIG Coordinator 6. Presentation of a biennial report to the MERC SRIG Coordinator 7. Serving as liaison with SRME and with NAfME in general 8. Directing general membership development 9. Serving as editor of the HSRIG newsletter, "History Notes" 10. Updating and maintaining the HSRIG mailing list 11. Representing the HSRIG on the SRME Music Education Research Council
B. The National Chair-elect shall assist the National Chair. Duties shall include: 1. Collecting and preparing information for publication in "History Notes," with final copy subject to approval by the National Chair 2. Writing a report (minimum 200 words) on activities of the National Chair-elect to be included in the National Chair's biennial report 3. Advising the National Chair 4. Updating and maintaining a list of State Historians 5. Assuming the duties of the National Chair in the event the National Chair becomes unable or unwilling to carry out the assigned duties 6. Assuming other duties as directed by the National Chair 7. Serving as liaison to the Division Chairs
C. Seven Division Chairs (i.e., Eastern, International, North Central, Southern, Southwestern, Northwest, Western) shall assist the National Chair. Their duties shall include: 1. Promoting music education research at the Division level, which may include organizing Division meetings 2. Organizing displays and special projects at the Division level and promoting interdivision research activities through communication with other Division research chairs. 3. Encouraging the appointment of State Historians within each Division and assisting in their work. 4. Working with State Historians and the National Chair in general membership development 5. Writing a report (minimum 200 words) on division activities to be included in the National Chair's biennial report 6. Advising the National Chair 7. Assuming other duties as requested by the National Chair
D. Committees. The national Chair shall appoint the following Committees from among the HSRIG membership: 1. Nominating Committee (Standing). On or before January 1st of his/her second year, the National Chair shall appoint a Nominating Committee consisting of at least three people and shall name the Chair of the committee. 2. Awards Committee (Standing). The National Chair shall serve as Chair of this committee and shall appoint two additional members. a. The Awards Committee shall select a HSRIG member to receive the biennial Distinguished Service Award, and may also promote the NAfME Lowell Mason Award recognition program. b. The nomination criteria for the Distinguished Service Award are established in Attachment A to these Bylaws. The National Chair shall acquire the recognition plaque to be presented at the biennial NAfME National Conference. 3. NAfME Hall of Fame Liaison Committee (Standing). The National Chair shall select the Chair and additional members to serve on this committee. a. This committee shall work upon request and as needed, in cooperation with the Chair of the NAfME Hall of Fame Committee. b. The Hall of Fame Liaison Committee Chair shall serve a term of 6 years, subject to reappointment (beginning in 2006). c. three additional members shall serve staggered 4-year terms (beginning in 2006, 2008, and 2010), subject to reappointment. 4. The HSRIG National Chair may, at his/her discretion, appoint additional ad hoc committees and name the committee Chair(s), such as, but not limited to: a. NAfME Historical Center Liaison Committee b. Biennial conference program committee
E. Advisory Council 1. The Advisory Council shall consist of the National Chair, National Chair-elect, and Division Chairs 2. Meetings of the Advisory Council may be called at the discretion of the National Chair
F. Assumption of Duties by the National Chair 1. The National Chair may assume, at his/her discretion, the duties of any Division Chair, or of an ad hoc committee member 2. If the National Chair-elect resigns or is unable or unwilling to carry out the duties of that position, the National Chair shall appoint a National Chair-elect to serve until the next regular election.
G. Election of the National Chair-elect 1. On or before March 1st of the second year, the Nominating Committee shall present the names of two candidates to the current National Chair as nominees for the position of National Chair-elect. Additional nominations will be accepted from the floor at the national biennial HSRIG meeting. 2. A majority vote of those casting secret ballots at the biennial HSRIG meeting will be required to elect the new National Chair-elect. If no nominee receives the required majority vote, a run-off election will be held immediately between the two persons receiving the highest number of votes on the first election ballot. 3. The National Chair-elect automatically assumes the duties of the National Chair at the end of the two-year term as Chair-elect. If the Chair-elect will not or cannot assume the duties of National Chair, the outgoing National Chair, if still in office or if not the immediate past-National Chair, shall appoint individuals to serve as interim National Chair-elect and interim National Chair until the next biennial meeting occurs. In the interim, the Nominating Committee shall submit two names each for incoming National Chair-elect and incoming National Chair to be elected at the next biennial HSRIG meeting.
H. Terms of Office 1. The National Chair and National Chair-elect shall each serve a term of two years coming on July 1 of even-numbered years. Neither officer is allowed to succeed himself or herself in the same role, immediately or thereafter. 2. Committees serve terms defined by the National Chair, but in no case shall a term be more than two years coinciding with the term of the National Chair except in the case of the NAfME Hall of Fame Liaison Committee as described above, although individual committee members may be subject to reappointment by the National Chair. 2. Terms for Division Chairs are four years, but the National Chair may reappoint Division Chairs to additional four-year terms. a. The Eastern, International, Northwest, and Southwestern, Division chairs shall be open for reappointment on July 1, 2010 and on each fourth year thereafter. b. The Southern, North Central, and Western Division chairs shall be open for reappointment on July 1, 2008 and on each fourth year thereafter. 4. The HSRIG Webmaster serves at the pleasure of the National Chair, subject to reappointment every 2 years coinciding with the National Chair's term of office. 5. State historians serve under the authority of State NAfME organizations and their tenure is not defined by the HSRIG.
A. The HSRIG shall hold its formal business meeting and professional session(s) at every NAfME biennial convention. The proposal for the meeting is forwarded to the MERC SRIG Coordinator as requested by that Coordinator.
B. The National Chair may call meetings of the HSRIG at his/her discretion.
A. Any provision of this document that is in substantive conflict with the NAfME constitution or the Bylaws of the Music Education Research Council is null and void.
B. A two-thirds majority vote of those present at the biennial meeting will be necessary to amend this document.