2004 - Dr. William Lee

Dr. William Lee is a Professor of Music and Coordinator of the Music Education Program at The University of Tennessee Chattanooga. Dr. Lee has taught brass lessons, Secondary Music Education, Tests and Measurements, Research Methods, History and Philosophy of Music Education, the Psychology of Music, and directed student teaching and graduate theses in the Department. Prior to joining the music faculty, he was a successful high school and middle school band director and has conducted community orchestras and choirs in Chattanooga. He is Research Chair of the Tennessee Music Education Association. Dr. Lee is deeply interested in the history of music education. He has served as Chair of the History Special Research Interest Group of the NAfME and received the HSRIG national special service award in 2004. His service has included membership on the boards of the Journal of Research in Music Education and the Journal of Historical Research in Music Education. He has reviewed historical work for the Quarterly Journal of the History of Education and Oxford University Press and has published in the Dictionary of the History of Education. Further, he has published in such diverse journal and magazines as The Music Educators Journal, The Journal of Band Research, The Tennessee Musician, The Journal of Church Music, The Journal of Research in Music Education, and many others.