2006 - Carolyn Livingston

2006 - Carolyn Livingston has taught graduate and undergraduate courses at the University of Rhode Island since 1987. She was Coordinator of Music Education from 1989-1997 and Director of Graduate Studies in Music from 1997-2006. Dr. Livingston's primary research interest is history of music education. Presented with the History SRIG's Biennial Service Award in 2006 for "outstanding service and research," she is one of four history researchers invited to present separate sessions commemorating the one hundredth anniversary of NAfME at the 60 th National Biennial In-Service Conference held in Salt Lake City , Utah in April 2006. She was chair of NAfME's History Special Research Interest Group (SRIG) and editor of the national newsletter, History Notes, from 2000-2002. Dr. Livingston has been an invited presenter for History SRIG sessions at four NAfME national conferences and presented papers at Philosophy of Music Education International Symposia II, III and IV.A member of the editorial committees of the Journal of Research in Music Education (JRME) and the Journal of Historical Research in Music Education (JHRME), her articles have appeared in numerous professional journals, including JRME, JHRME, Bulletin of Historical Research in Music Education, Philosophy of Music Education Review, Music Educators Journal, Update, Quarterly Journal of Music Teaching and Learning, American Music Teacher, Choral Journal, Opera Journal, British Music, Rhode Island Music Educators Record, and Tennessee Musician. She is the author of Charles Faulkner Bryan: His Life and Music, published by the University of Tennessee Press.